7 Smiles Saved in 7 Days: Tweet-a-Thon Update

operation smile

What will make your kids smile this holiday season—a new toy, a favorite dessert or a few days off from school? For most children, the holidays are a time filled with smiles, but for children born with a cleft lip and/or cleft palate, there may be little to smile about.

To help save the smiles of children born with cleft deformities, DentalPlans.com has teamed up with Operation Smile to provide free reconstructive surgery for children born with cleft conditions.

As part of our efforts, DentalPlans.com ran a social media fundraising campaign to save 7 children’s smiles in 7 days. During the week of November 14-21, we matched donations made to Operation Smile by our Facebook fans and Twitter followers.

Dentist.net also generously donated Crest Whitestrips to give away each day of the campaign to random participants.

Thanks to the help of all of our loyal fans and followers, attention from celebrity Kim Richards from the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and a generous donation to save 2 children’s smiles from actor Sharif Atkins from the TV show White Collar, we reached our goal!  

If you’d like to help a child born with cleft deformities receive the reconstructive surgery he or she deserves, you can donate to the cause on our Operation Smile fundraising page. Remember, in as few as 45 minutes, and with as little as $240, a single surgery can heal that child’s smile, restoring long-term health and removing a lifetime of eating, speaking and socializing difficulties.

What will you do to make a child smile this season?